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Do You Know What Is The League Of Nations?

1. Formation and Dissolution: The League of Nations was established in 1920 as an international organization after World War I, with the aim of preventing future conflicts. However, it proved ineffective, and it officially dissolved in April 20, 1946, after the end of World War II.

2. Originating Covenant: The League’s founding document, the Covenant of the League of Nations, was part of the Treaty of Versailles. It outlined the organization’s structure, principles, and the collective security mechanism intended to prevent aggression between member states.

3. Membership Issues: The League faced challenges with membership, as some major powers, including the United States, never joined. Additionally, Germany initially was excluded but later joined in 1926.

4. Failures in Preventing Aggression: The League struggled to prevent acts of aggression, notably failing to stop the Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 and the German occupation of the Rhineland in 1936. These failures weakened its credibility.

5. Precursor to the United Nations: Despite its shortcomings, the League of Nations laid the groundwork for the establishment of the United Nations. Lessons learned from the League’s shortcomings influenced the design of the UN to better address global issues and maintain international peace and security.

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