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The Pervasiveness Of Casteism Led To Discrimination

Once Ambedkar said “Political democracy in the absence of Social democracy is a contradiction” India got freedom from the British in 1947 but did not get freedom from its mentality of casteism which led to discrimination. Through inserting Articles like 14(equality), 15(no discrimination), 21( right to life) and so on we established Political democracy but still, people called our democracy a young democracy because of caste-based Discrimination, Gender base inequality, lack of constitutionalism, etc.. that’s why we yet not able to achieve Social democracy and without it, India can’t become a superpower.

A recent incident of caste discrimination has been seen, A school in the Kolar district of Karnataka the Principal forced Dalit students to clean the septic tank. along with this, two cases of urination by upper-caste men on Dalit Youth one in Madhya Pradesh and another in Andhra Pradesh. To summarize all the pain of marginalized society want to refer to a report ‘Crime in India Report 2022’ published by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) it shows that crime against SCs and STs communities increased by 13.1% and 14.3% respectively

But the question arises as to why these things are increasing. the simple answer is that these atrocities have never been new for the Dalit community, new is that the FIRs or registration of these atrocities. to establish a Utopian society, we need to sit and ponder about solutions, the first solution would be Ambedkar’s solutions to eradicate discrimination through promoting Inter-Dining and inter-marriages.

In addition to this, we should stop reviving the so-called Hindu ethos because as Justice Ranade said ” Reviving the Hindu past can Revive ancient evil practices too” which is happening nowadays. also, Nothing in this world exists in a pure form even it would be weakest thing which would be made from only pure things.

India has always been a Culture, that embedded many cultures in it, and along with this Indian government should more emphasis on strengthen marginalized society so that they can uphold high decision making posts and can rid off discriminations by which Social democracy paved their way and both political and social democracy can complement each others.

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