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“My Healer Came To Me With Paws”

As we all know, life always kicks us, be it with opportunities or sometimes kick us with setbacks. Eventually, setbacks lead to trauma that leaves penetrated emotional scars that often seem impossible to heal. However, sometimes the most unexpected companions become our biggest supporters.

I strongly believe that everyone is fighting a battle on their own, few of them talk about the battle and few keep mum. The most important part of any healing journey is how the person dealt with the situation and who stood by his side to pat his shoulders.

I think during hardships, a person usually tends to feel alone. Sometimes it’s because of the compatibility of understanding and sometimes it’s the change in the behavior of people around us.

If something remains stagnant then it is our furry friend with brightened eyes and wagging tail. I cannot thank you enough for having such support in my life.

My furry friend was always there, whether I needed a listening ear, or a comforting presence, my healer was there. Yuvi’s mere presence provided a great sense of care, comfort, and security.

You might have seen people altering their attitude towards something or someone depending on their needs and situations.

But thankfully universe-made pets. Pets possess the extraordinary ability to love us unconditionally, without judgment or conditions. In a world where trust can be shattered, as happened with me, the pure love from my pet allowed me to slowly rebuild my capacity to trust and connect with others. Yuvi’s affection was a constant reminder that I was worthy of love and care. After Yuvi entered into my life, I have become more structured and caring as a parent. Amidst the chaos, this routine of taking care of Yuvi became a lifeline.

Feeding, grooming, and walking my pet provided a sense of purpose and responsibility that was important in my healing process. Yuvi was the reason to get out of bed and face the day, even when I felt like detaching from everything. The bond between Yuvi and me is something truly extraordinary.

This bond does not rely on words but one can feel it at a deeply penetrated emotional level. My pet seemed to understand my pain and was there to provide comfort with a gentle paw. This silent support was sometimes more meaningful than any words could ever be.

One of the most significant aspects of my pet’s presence was the restoration of my trust.

After experiencing traumatic circumstances, it can be extremely challenging to trust others. Finally, my pet’s loyalty and dependability helped me learn that not everyone could hurt me. This newfound trust is a gift to me from my pet’s continuous support.

The healing power of a sweetheart pet is a testament to the huge impact animals can have on our well-being.

My journey towards healing from trauma was undoubtedly challenging, but the unconditional love, and friendship provided by my pet were instrumental in my recovery.

I agree that every healing journey is unique, the bond between humans and their pets reminds us of the tremendous capacity for strength and transformation, even in the face of the darkest days.

Love ❤️

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