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“Resilient Dreams: A Symphony Of Triumph”

In the realm of dreams where courage gleams,

Lies the strength to conquer, like flowing streams.
Rise, resilient soul, let your spirit beam,
For in every challenge, a victory scheme.
Mountains may stand, daunting and high,
But within your heart, a determined sky.
Forge ahead with purpose, reach for the sky,
In the symphony of efforts, let success amplify.
When shadows loom and doubts persist,
Summon the fire that courage can enlist.
With each step forward, a new chapter kissed,
In the journey of resilience, you truly exist.
Embrace the trials, let them refine,
For in the crucible of struggle, stars align.
Your potential, a constellation to design,
In the galaxy of dreams, let your brilliance shine.
So, let optimism be your guiding light,
Navigate the challenges, conquer the night.
With every setback, learn to take flight,
In the tapestry of triumph, script your might.
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