Rajkumar Hirani has made a comeback with Shah Rukh as the lead role with his movie Dunki. Mostly, it was full of emotions and some humour. Let’s explore the things one would get to learn from Dunki.
1. The Reality of English Language
The Indian education system is treating Hindi and other regional languages as inferior languages. Everytime, most people from foreign ask if an Indian can speak English or not. Here, why do someone doesn’t question the foreigners staying in India if they can speak regional languages of India?
It’s the reality that one is treating English as the language of the Riches. The character Sukhi in the film said perfectly in the video about the English language as a class. Same thing even Hardy said in the movie that Englishmen chages the mindset of Indians that foreigners are inferior.
2. Reality of Living in Foreign country
The characters Hardy, Mannu and Buggu reach London through the Dunki Route where they meet Balli. Here, one of the reality Indians face is the lack of opportunities for Indians. Balli did odd jobs just to make a survival in London. The lavish lifestyle was only in photos but reality was just tough for illegal immigrants. One has to incur living costs which is once again a dark reality.
3. The Jobs opportunities in India
Indians need to understand that it’s not always important to go to foreign country for jobs. It’s high time that Indians education system must change and encourage entrepreneurs in the country. There was a scene where agent was trying to provide faje degrees for Visas but no one encourages quality education. That seen was funny when Buggu was asked about Position of Kidney but that too was a reality scene.
4. The Patriotism amongst Indians
Most Indians move out of India just for the lavish lifestyle but the future is in India only. There is just one requirment and that’s the creation of job opportunities. Even in London, one has to face challenges of getting Citizenship. A scene was there where Judge asked Hardy and his friends to get asylum and acquire legal citizenship. Here, Hardy rejects asylum and is deported back to India because he can’t abuse his country.
5. The Indian Festivals
It would be a struggle after illegal immigrants stay in Asylum but they will miss their homes. The importance here is that one should never abuse their country just to make a living in a foreign country. It’s high time Indians should be respectful to the country where they are born. Foreigners feel proud when they talk about their country and that’s something Indians should have in their mind.
One will miss India if they stay abroad as lifestyle and culture is different which everyone will not appreciate. Indians have a future in India only and not in the foreign country. This is something Hardy’s friends witnesses when they stayed in London through asylum but returned back after Hardy brought them back with the help of Boman Irani’s character.
6. The priority for the NRIs
Marrying a girl to an NRI doesn’t mean she would have a happy life. Here, Sukhi’s girlfriend was unhappy when she got married and was sent to London. Those Indians who say that only an NRI would keep a woman happy then there is something called love. Indians must understand that one should judge a man more by his heart and not by his status of NRI. Even an NRI would not keep a woman happy if she doesn’t love that NRI.
7. Don’t trust a fake agent for a VISA
There are visa scams happening in the countries where agents are making profits. It should be kept in mind that one should stay away from these fake agents. They will take away money but will not give anything in return. Value of money is again something one would get to see in Dunki. Fake agents often scam on making London Visas but the reality is that they only want profits.
8. The Dunki Route
Soke people who think going to London or any country is everything then they must watch Dunki. There are various challenges one has to encounter while reaching London and one has lost their loved ones in the process. It’s important that one should understand the importance of loved ones. Most illegal immigrants loose their lives when going to London though Dunki Route. Thanks to Raj Kumar Hirani that he made a film which emphasizes importance of nationalism and the loved ones.
In short, one should feel proud of their country where they are born and where they are raised. No Englishmen would ever call Indians inferior when India will develop and will perform better than develop countries. One should explore other countries too but respect should never be down for the country where one was born and also got raised in a good family.