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Message Of The Arrival Of Guest Birds

Winters are indeed full of colorful birds in our country’s reservoirs, rivers, lakes and ponds. These birds are not permanent residents of our country, but come here from cold countries to escape the winter. They are called guest birds. Thousands of guest birds come to Bangladesh from distant Siberia, Mongolia and China in winter. The haor, bill, water bodies and forest areas of our country are ideal habitats for them. These birds play an important role in maintaining the balance of our country’s environment.

The arrival of visiting birds brings joy to our nature. They play an important role in maintaining the balance of our country’s environment. They protect our crops by eating various types of insects. Also, their chirping makes our nature more beautiful.
But sadly, many of the guest birds are hunted. Their meat is considered delicious by many. Also, many people collect bird feathers. Due to hunting of guest birds, their number is decreasing day by day. Sadly but true, guest birds can no longer be ‘guests’. They are being killed by a class of unscrupulous hunters. Different types of traps, nets and guns are used for hunting birds. Besides, environmental pollution, destruction of wetlands and forests also threaten the existence of guest birds.
Birds are an essential part of our environment. We all need to be aware of their existence. We all have to work together to stop bird poaching. The government has taken various steps to protect the guest birds. Legislation against hunting of guest birds has been enacted. Also, various organizations are working to protect guest birds.
But these steps are not enough. We all need awareness to protect guest birds. We all need to respect our guest birds. Avoid hunting them.
If we all work together we can save guest birds. Then our nature will be more beautiful.
Here are some things to do to protect guest birds:
Raising awareness against poaching of guest birds.
Creating suitable habitat for guest birds.
Ensuring food resources for guest birds.
Enforce laws to protect guest birds from harm.
Let us all work together to protect the guest birds. Then our nature will be more beautiful. We welcome the arrival of guest birds.
Student Sourav Halder Department of Management Government Brajlal College Khulna

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