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This evening as the temple bells ring and voices raise to sing praises.

I take a dip in the mighty ocean of promises, possibilities and potential.

Every year, year after year like a floating feast Kiran foundation,

calls this day to assemble and gather

those who make their 24 hours lighter than a feather.

Teachers, I love to call my clan geese

who fly with the moon on their wings.

Teachers are learners who grow up with time,

as time for them is the best teacher.

She unfolds and upholds the dignity of education.

Braces the challenges of the lap top.

Their Excel sheets are at times great feats..

After all the computer arrived much later than many senior teachers.

But we give you our WORD that Ai, Chat Gpt shall not deprive us and neither our

children of the genius of a human.

We are the storms that rise in the classroom to wipe away dead habits of drudgery,

We are the calm to a child who in anxiety looks up at us.

We are not Mothers to cajole and coax.

We are energy hubs to receive from the young and give away the last bit we contain.

We teachers build the bridge and incite young learners to walk and connect,

Then we melt away until a foundation like Kiran foundation invites us to an evening of felicitations..

© grace


Kiran Foundation is the brain child and passionately nurtured reality of Smt. Rashmi RaviKiran. it is a self-sustaining , self-supportive, women’s initiative working towards the upliftment of life and livelihood , spreading awareness and wellbeing, celebrating and acknowledging the contributions of karma yogis in the ever evolving embroidery of the social fabric, enriching , empowering and enlightening with their ancient wisdom , experience and timeless knowledge.

Teachers are the light of this world, a beacon of hope in the dark that gives us the strength to survive.

Kiran foundation celebrates Teachers and their exemplary contribution, lauding these gifted souls that work every day to make our future bright our nation match the world pedagogy.

Kiran Foundation is the name which identifies teachers from every school in the Malleshwaram region to recognise their relentless and untiring contribution to education.

On the 19 th December 2023 the floating feast was held at the Rajatha Bhavan, Malleshwaram. The function was attended by many intellectuals and eminent personalities . It was a gala evening organized Smt. Rashmi Ravikiran .

Teachers received this honour and service recognition with joy, pride and above all modest humility.

I too was honoured with the same. for my existential and experiential teaching and learning approach.


Copyright @grace

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