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Quick Bytes: Dynamic Pricing

Despite the push by the centre to limit exorbitant air fares major aviation companies are refusing to take cue making it difficult for common and ordinary to fly with a sense of ease. Should these airlines not be brought to book frequently toeing the line as per their choice and convenience?

PM Modi advocated for a system advocating all barriers and obstacles to the ordinary batting for schemes like UDAAN which in real has been a game changer though short lived. I understand that bringing erring enterprises under control should be the first prerogative of the centre or else things will go out of hands as it appears for these companies minting profits at all costs is their only funda and agenda.

Despite, getting enough of leverage these corporations are manipulating and flouting the rules of play to the best of their advantage and relative gains. Such kind of capitalism is fatalistic for a country like India where people are still are very dependent on the state for their everyday sustenance and living with state occupying a centre stage for a person. Passage of capitalism here has become totally uglier and out of sight with prominent businessess calling shorts should we not wake up to the challenges of it 

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