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“I’m Tired Of Older Generation Looking Down On Younger People”

You love a girl, you marry a girl, you are basically marrying an idea. And I cannot live with a conflicting idea that am not okay with for the rest of my life.

Worshiping ideas, ideologies is not a new thing in this nation, that is known for worshiping film stars and Cricketers. As a humanities student and as a Writer for me, the most exciting thing is always engaging with ideas and experimenting with different ideas.

Some ideas come into our mind hotel as guests, and leave after a point of time. Some ideas become our friends and come into our mind more frequently. Some ideas become home and live in our minds forever. Which reminds me of the fabulously written and directed disney film, “Inside out’.

If I could take the plot of inside out and make it own and express my own personality in terms of inside out’s plot, it might take months.

Personality is basically the ideas that have become our home.

Am always tired of the older generation looking down on young people. It really infuriates me, I was telling Sarah this, i you are wiser you will not be friends with the current prime minister, but with the future prime minister, who might be a fameless nobody now.

I want the young and the old to work together, but that is a utopian dream I guess.

The whole point of my writings is that, human connection, or else writing is of now value to me. Anything or everything I write should start a quality conversation enriching the lives of my readers.

“ The first person to speak in court always seems right until his opponent begins to question this’

You will never see the cracks in your own ideas, until you express them and talk it out.

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