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Youngsters Face What They Seldom Thought Of On Visiting Nearby Village



One meticulous thing about their current visit to a distant rural place was the sheer lack of electricity in the small toilet. This very insufficiency induced a joke among the boys. Though they stayed for only one night at such an incredible place, they were heard saying their experience remained a bit more harrowing during the progressing days.

Youngsters from the city have had a chance to go to the countryside recently. It was a kind of big adventure for them. They have never thought that they would find the toilet sans the facility of electricity. It was as they were overheard reiterating that it remained a sort of adventure for them.

The very word “adventure” they used in their conversation was because the electricity connection was not running into the toilet.

So they had to use the toilet in the glow of the mobile torch. It remains quite a novel experience for all the boys. One point that failed their curiosity to go there was this very reality. Most importantly if they had known this deficiency, they would surely not have visited the roadside place. However, it was fully a decision taken in haste as they uncovered adding that this visit did not culminate in complete satisfaction.

However, they could not forget this scarcity of electricity in the toilet. When they were asked to tell of their detailed experience, they felt no straight compunction in uttering that it was more like an ominous adventure for them. They pointed out that they had not faced such a bizarre situation in their life.

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