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‘Worshipping Goddess In Navratri Won’t Heal The Condition Of Women In India’

“India needs to increase the share of women’s participation in their workforce to 50% to boost it’s growth rate” , said by World Bank India  director Auguste Tana Kaume in an interview. 

Firstly acknowledging to the question i.e.  India’s  economy doing well. He said that India’s growth rate is quite good in current global circumstances and also that india wants to reach $5trillion economy by 2028 and become and become an advanced economy by 2047 , for that india required 8%growth rate. So, India needs to focus on enhancing women’s contribution in  their workforce  to 50% . 

According to PLFS  ( Periodic labour force participation survey ) April -June 2023, females participation in  in the work force of India is only 21.1% out of 522 million workers, WPR ( workers force participation).                                                                             

According to e-shram database, out of 28.55 crores  of registered informal workers 53.8% are women workers in unorganized workers and 29% of women’s of WPR are worked in organized sectors. 

According to the report of oxfam india, In India 67 % of women’s faced lower wages due to discrimination and 33% due to lack of education and work experience.  

” In India, an average a woman earns less than ₹14,000  per month while a men earns more than ₹17, 000 per month in terms of salaried employment . In terms of self employment  a woman earns ₹ 4,809 per month against a man who earns more than ₹12, 000 per month . In terms of casual wages, a woman earns only ₹230 per day while a man earns ₹350 per day .” 

India has historically reported a low female LFPR (Labour force participation report) than any other developing countries like South Africa or Brazil and other countries like Nepal  79% ,  Bhutan 52 % , Bangladesh 35% , Maldives 34  % and Sri Lanka 31 %. 

According to NSO ( National Sample Office) , literacy rate of females in India is just 70.5% than more than 80% of males. 

According to the report of ministry of education, the secondary school dropout ratio of females ratio is 12.3% but the UNICEF report, suggests that the school dropout ratio of females in India is 33%  due to pressure of household works. 

Recently , 33% women reservation passed from Indian parliament which conclude that it gave more political strength to women’s to counter their backwardness or raising their voice but many political experts consider that it is just a political lollipop that can a become another rubber stamp like 50 % reservation of panchayat elections .

These statistics  reflects the double standards  of Indian society on the females and their misogynist attitude  that always bound them to led the vulnerable life. 

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