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Women Empowerment: A Tangible Reality Or Just An Illusion In India?

Atul Malikram is an Author & Political Strategist.

The echoes of women’s empowerment, feminism, and the pursuit of equal rights resonate through the corridors of our society. While we’ve undeniably made progress in improving the lives of women over the past few decades, there remains a palpable sense that true equality is still an elusive horizon. As I contemplate the intricate tapestry of women’s lives, my heart sways with a complex blend of emotions.

There’s awe in witnessing their resilience, beauty in their unwavering strength, and inspiration in their relentless pursuit of dreams. Yet, these feelings are tinged with profound sadness, for it’s disheartening to realize that, despite the battles fought and stereotypes shattered, many women still find themselves living within the confines of subjugation.

It’s a poignant paradox that many women’s lives are often intricately woven with threads of self-sacrifice. Their aspirations and desires can become entangled in the intricate web of societal expectations, family obligations, the influence of in-laws, and the dynamics within their relationships. The dream-weavers of their own lives sometimes find their visions altered, their goals rerouted, and their voices muted by countless situations beyond their control.

The stark reality persists in many households, where daughters are viewed as burdens, and the heavy shroud of early marriage descends upon them just as they cross that pivotal and, for many, dreaded milestone of 18 years. Even in families where girls receive an education, their wings are often clipped before they can take flight. The opportunity to craft their own livelihoods, live their dreams, and soar toward their aspirations is denied.

In these circumstances, many parents become architects of their daughters’ destinies, dictating not just what subjects they should study but also prescribing their interests and even steering their career choices. Often, the concept of a ‘safe’ career is thrust upon them, erasing the canvas of their individual dreams and painting it with convention. This stifling control extends to all facets of their lives. It is an imposition that curbs individuality and suppresses the potential that could otherwise flourish.

In the case of women who are already in the workforce, the journey becomes even more arduous when they step into the realm of matrimony. They are faced with the challenging choice of either relinquishing their hard-earned careers in the name of ‘new responsibilities’ or embarking on the turbulent journey of seeking new opportunities that accommodate their roles as wives.

And when motherhood embraces them, the weight of responsibilities magnifies. Juggling the demands of a job, household, spouse, and children leaves them with precious little room for personal development and growth. The colossal responsibilities of nurturing the next generation, though a labor of love, often come at the cost of individual aspirations.

The poignant dilemma women face, often forced to choose between their dreams and family responsibilities, is a deeply entrenched societal issue. Shaped by traditional gender roles, enduring stereotypes, and a historical lack of opportunities, this predicament has haunted generations of women. However, the winds of change are stirring, driven by several crucial factors.

To begin with, advocating vigorously for gender equality is paramount. Empowering women with the tools, education, vocational training, and opportunities they need to pursue their aspirations is essential. Equally important is the encouragement of families and partners to share responsibilities and ardently support women’s ambitions, fostering an environment where men and women jointly shoulder household and caregiving duties.

Simultaneously, workplaces must adapt, becoming more inclusive and accommodating for women. Implementing policies that champion work-life balance is a fundamental step toward ensuring that women no longer have to make the agonizing choice between their dreams and their familial responsibilities. The horizon holds the promise of a world where women can pursue their aspirations without compromise.

These narratives, painted in shades of expectation and sacrifice, underscore the need for a transformation in our societal values. It is a call to action for a world where daughters are not burdens but beacons of promise, where their dreams are cherished, and their aspirations are encouraged. It’s a plea for a world where women can spread their wings without fear, pursue their chosen paths, and experience a life that is defined by their choices, not by constraints.

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