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The Dark Side Of Indian Education System


The Indian education system, often praised for its rich history and diverse learning opportunities, harbors a myriad of challenges that cast shadows on its effectiveness. While it has produced brilliant minds and successful professionals, there exists a darker side that demands scrutiny. This article aims to shed light on the drawbacks and shortcomings of the Indian education system.

THESE are the major dark points of indian education system –

Rote Learning Dominance:

Pressure and Stress:

Outdated Curriculum:

Inequality in Access:

Overemphasis on Exams:

Teacher Quality and Training:


1; Is the education system of India is good or bad?

ans] indian education system is not poor as compared to other countries but we are not producing as many scholars as we should be able to produce due to the population and limited resources of our country. That is why, we are bound to say that the Indian education system is not up to the mark.

2;What are disadvantages of education?

ans] 1] Sometimes, brilliant students get bored because of the long tenure of academic sessions.

 2 ]Exams and grades can sometimes lead to stress and anxiety.

3] It is costly and rigid.

4]An unprofessional and non-standard education system may also cause wastage of time and money.

3;What are the problems faced by students in school?


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