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“Mummy, Has It Rained?” No, A Bucket Of Water Has Spilt, She Said, Bitterly

“Mummy, has it rained?” No, the bucket of water has spilt, reacted irritated mother to his only son, habitual of sleeping till late in the morning. On the last day of November, there was occurred downpour in the early morning. On account of his sleep, he did not know of the rainfall. Noticing wet ground and a cloudy sky the young boy asked his mother about the morning rains. The boys are sometimes catching a long slumber and do not know of sudden rainfall. Sleep becomes an excuse to angle their assertive stare. 

Such a bad habit of sleeping is never liked by his mother. He is soon to appear in high school exams. So, the fierce pressure of study keeps him sleepy in a warm bed for an extended time. “That may not be the only and actual cause as well,” says the boy. His pattern of sleep remains uncomfortable for the parents, but he was not following the habit of getting up early in the morning or at least strictly by 8 a.m. He looks at his bad obsession with sleep as no longer closely aligned with the laddish addiction to sleep that is more often than not berated by one and all. This precisely unlikable habit is a disgraceful version of routine that spells out an edgy kind of confidence.

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