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Professional Guidance Counselling: A Must To Improve Sexual Health

India is an overwhelmingly young country. Our large young population is however unable to access quality health services. The quality of reproductive health services is also less than optimum. In an interview, Ms. Debanjana Choudhury, Director Programs & Partnerships, Foundation for Reproductive Health Services India (FRHSI) talks about the challenges that we face in ensuring widespread access to quality health services in this vast and varied country of ours.

Q.1 What are the steps that the youth can take to improve their sexual health and wellbeing?

Empowering young individuals to enhance their sexual health and overall well-being involves equipping themselves with knowledge about safe sexual practices, embracing regular medical check-ups, fostering open and honest communication with their partners regarding boundaries and consent, and, when necessary, considering professional guidance or counselling.

Q.2 In India, sexual health is often shrouded in taboos. How can the youth of the country overcome these restrictions to initiate informed conversations that drive awareness?

Addressing the complex landscape of sexual health in India, which often remains obscured by cultural taboos, requires the youth to proactively champion comprehensive sex education, engage in candid conversations with peers and family, utilise social media as a platform for awareness-raising, and advocate for community organisations to take on the challenges of sexual health.

Q.3 Urban India is covered fairly well with healthcare service providers – both government and private. How can we improve the distribution of services across rural India?

To increase the distribution of healthcare services in rural India, it is essential to channel increased investments into the rural healthcare infrastructure, deploy more healthcare professionals to underserved areas, implement innovative solutions like telemedicine and mobile clinics, and raise awareness about the availability of healthcare services.

Q.4 Do you feel Indian youth are repressed? Do we require a cultural shift to liberate and create safe spaces for dialogue and discussion?

Recognising the challenges faced by some Indian youth due to societal repression, there is a pressing need for a cultural transformation that fosters safe spaces for open dialogue and discussion. This transformation involves not only encouraging conversations on sensitive topics but also challenging deeply ingrained societal norms that stifle self-expression while promoting inclusivity and acceptance.

The fact that these conversations are now in the mainstream through the means of social media or popular culture is a positive step in the direction. However, this needs to be followed up with actual reform which can only come about with inclusive policy making & implementation on the ground.

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