Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

Naturalized New World

The whole World has become victim of international organized crime of narcotics, pornography, trafficking of women and children and terrorism and all the governments are unable to stop them.

Our cultural blunder is cause of our weakness. We don’t live according to Nature and Reality. We live in falsehood.

We all are individuals. There is no truth in caste and race. Man and woman are equal.

All religions are man-made and no man or book is from God.

Every man and woman knows all this but prefers to live in falsehood.

How to remove clouds of falsehood and bring light of Truth in and all around?

We must live naked with our children in our home. The doors of toilet and bathroom and bedroom must be transparent. The children could see their parents doing all things naturally and beautifully- shaving their pubic hair, mother in menstruation applying and removing and disposing sanitary pads doing sex naturally with love and care. They could see mother becoming pregnant and then delivering their new sibling.

The Earth surface is being photographed by so many satellites. The photos from above described enlightened families should be constantly uploaded and streamed on websites of toilet, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, dining room and drawing room. The children from all over the World could see whenever they wish and then more and more families will make their privacy opened up.

Not only this the live photos from labour room, surgery, dying room , mortuary ,autopsy room, bathing of dead body and burial or cremation will be available to view from their websites.

The children and boys and girls will see what is life and what is death- concealed from them from generations to generations.

The children, boys and girls will be made to understand that life is temporary and in our life span we need to rise high in our field of interest and talent.

This will dismantle whole syndicate of narcotics, pornography, prostitution and terrorism for all times to come. 

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