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Henry Alfred Kissinger Dies At 100, A Lookback At His Controversial Life

Henry Alfred Kissinger has taken his last breath. A man who was the perfect example of Gandhi thought “It would be illogical to expect a rose flower by sowing the seed of babool.” After Kissinger’s death, the buzz around the world commemorated him as a war criminal, Thugs, power seeker, Racist, etc.

What he achieved in his long diplomatic career is the power politics, destabilizing the state, etc

Here are a few of his diplomatic actions as he killed thousands of Cambodians, a small country with just 7 million population has faced huge death causality of 2 million deaths loss as carpet bombings with More than 231,000 U.S. bombing sorties flown over Cambodia from 1965 to 1973

similarly tons of bombs in Vietnam, the mass killing is justified by him as national security

As the list goes on, Kissinger helped Pakistan against Bangladesh, destabilizing states like Chile in fact he received the Nobel Prize but on this award, two of the judges resigned

Therefore Kissinger faced so much hate because of the misuse of power that Gandhi said we can’t expect Rose by sowing Babool

This holds a special consideration in the world of disability, as realpolitik has no sustainable fate

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