on the 26th of November when we the people of India adopted this fundamental document for us as constitution, but what fonds me more is the intrinsic part of our Constitution given the emergence to restore the implicit virtue of our Constitution wherein one such is secularism,
This term holds the age-old debate originating from the Machiavellian mind to prevent the Church interference in politics and using the same term in the unique mask by we Indians, the forefront to point out Nehru, Ambedkar, and other founding fathers of our nation,
why it’s unique is our secularism binds all the recognized(7 religions) and non-recognized religions gives everyone the same foot of religious rights to practice and to profess,
This unity is nowhere across the globe the experienced Nordic nations like Sweden, Finland, and so on are nevertheless facing the backlog on the part of religious freedom specifically the ride of anti-Islam or Islamophobia attitudes, in fact, the right wings candidly brought a manifesto as an anti-Islam slogan(Neatherland), whereas the richest gulf continue on the same patriarchal and dictator attitude as example moral policing of Iran
On this race of who is more wrong India holds the pace of right stature (unparalleled) despite the riot, the conflict took place but given the population and density, vote bank politics it’s very natural to have a few conflicts on religious ideology but what remarks the best is the Constitution which empowers the individual without any consideration with a religious background
The incredible part is the state interference, need to take a breath, is this secularism? But this stands as beauty where state on the value of being you as human to protect your dignity, your respect state is there like sati ban, instant triple talaq ban etc
In all the incredible parts of the constitution, secularism with equal religious freedom, and the state principal distance model to ensure unity with dignity is what India holds because of the Constitution