A few days back in school, our English teacher was discussing on the projects assigned to us for our eleventh grade, providing us necessary tips on preparing for it. The topics were interesting enough to intensify my zeal for the task. He told us that the main motive of these assignments is to nurture creativity among students and enhance their critical thinking ability. Hence, we must seize this golden opportunity and work diligently for it. I was indeed excited and determined to embark on this task imminently.
But my ecstasy happened to cease on the very next moment when Sir despondently predicted that most of the students would resort to CHAT GPT for accomplishing this task which as a matter of fact would set their writings apart from those lingering to the virtue of honesty.
Sir unveiled the cold hard truth which as obvious is difficult to swallow. What marred my enthusiasm was not the anticipation of my batch mates inconsiderately descending into copying the entire topic from CHAT GPT, thereby writing better than me but the very fact that my teachers would suspect and have trust issues if a student genuinely writes good. The idea of copying from CHAT GPT did not even for once occur in my mind, consequently, my motivation sank with its reference.
The coming up of CHAT GPT might have been of great help to some content writers, enabling them to save a major chunk of their time devoted in research or writing content, and also the corporate world, empowering them to generate their content own, thereon hiring and spending less on employees.
However, it has posed a serious challenge to two categories of writers:
• Authentic Skilled writers • Amateur writers who desire to hone their skills fervently without turning to any shortcut.
Those who belong to the first category would face stiff competition from this popular AI model and might even get doubted at times of using this tool. They have to live up with the constant fear of being ousted from job.
Those belonging to the second category would be required to simultaneously improve as well as cope and compete with those using this tool, their patience being severely tested. They have to encounter much more difficulty in finding jobs.
I believe that using CHAT GPT is fine till it is confined to collecting data and statistics for research and save time. But relying on it for generating the entire content not only affects the language skills, but also sabotages the art of effective communication and conveying one’s thoughts with clarity in the long run, therefore destroying the seed of creativity and crippling one’s ability to think independently.
This excessive dependence on AI may ensue a day for mankind, when people for taking basic decisions would turn to the suggestions of AI epitomizing Harari’s words, ”AI has hacked the operating system of human civilization.”