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Does Passport Verification Serve To Belittle Our Families?

I recently underwent an incredibly disheartening experience during the passport verification process, an encounter I will not soon forget. The official responsible for the verification was shockingly rude and consistently used hurtful language throughout the ordeal. What was even more distressing was his inappropriate behavior towards my father. It seemed as though he believed that a person’s worth is determined by their family history or their willingness to discuss their past. It’s baffling how someone with all the necessary proofs and documents can be treated this way.

The officer’s conduct left me questioning whether the purpose of “verification” was to degrade our parents or belittle our family history. I had limited knowledge about my grandparents, but I knew their names. Little did I realize that this information would become the crux of such an unpleasant encounter. It’s disheartening that society often judges individuals based on their appearance, speech, or their past, and then proceeds to treat them with disdain.

Throughout the verification process, the officer’s treatment of my father was not only rude but also highly inappropriate. He used derogatory language and made unwarranted comments, such as, “I will not approve this because of you,” or “We should know who our parents are, and you don’t.” Witnessing my father’s helplessness during this ordeal was excruciating, and it deeply hurt me. If I had known that the verification process would turn out like this, I might have reconsidered getting a passport.

Ultimately, the officer granted approval, but not out of fairness or professionalism. Instead, it seemed to be influenced by some personal connection he had with my father, possibly a friend. The audacity to state, “I did not give confirmation because of you, but I don’t want a child to suffer, and poor parents’ children need opportunities for growth,” was infuriating. I wanted to tell him directly that the child is not poor your mentality is. My father advised me not to confront the officer, which was the only reason I remained silent. Otherwise, he would have witnessed my strong objections.

Respect is a fundamental right that every human being deserves, regardless of their circumstances. No individual, regardless of their position, should have the authority to insult or disrespect another person. The way this officer treated my father and demeaned him was utterly unacceptable. This experience has motivated me to strive to reach a position of influence where I can ensure that no one ever dares to disrespect my father or anyone else in such a manner again.

This experience has illuminated the skewed standards of respect that are often tied to one’s status, connections, and power. True respect should be about treating every individual equally and with humanity. Unfortunately, in the world we live in, it often carries a very different and disheartening meaning.

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