Site icon Youth Ki Awaaz

The Spirit Of Youth

The spirit of youth 

  In this flim. . I am going to show about the youth of nowdays.. how they are showing interest in varies things ..  and let’s started

  First a father and sons..son age is 16

Father: Hello my dear son 

Son : yaa daddy

Father: how was the day

Son : yeah fine

Father:  what dinner do want me to cook??

Son : let’s order in online app

Father: No, it’s not good for health

Son :No daddy..i am going order u can eat by yourself 

Father: get sad ..

This is story of spoil our health by ordering outside for .. it’s create the health issues in very young age like diabetes, heart attack 

2 story

Conversation between 4 friends

Names are hari, Subu,Amir, Akhil

There are meeting in the common place were they are seeing usually.

Hair: hii machan wat’up

 And three of the say hii

Hair : hey I am going something to u all

 Everyone are stare at him… hair show them a packet it’s was i packed with white colour powder

   Subu: was shocked… aii hari what is this

Hair: relax broo.. it’s coconie

Amir: were u get this ..??

Hair : near my street broo

Akhil: if you parents saw this they will throw to hell

Hair : simle

Subu: Hair throw away.. let’s play something

Hair :  ehh man wat is thisss. How much cost i can’t to do 

Subu : ok then I am leaving.. don’t use this .. it’s dangerous and many people lost their life by aadict to this

Hair : relax broo .. nothing happen

Subu leave that place very angrily

The 2 member are staring at him and the powder

Hair : come Akhil and Amir let’s enjoy

Akhil and Amir : ok broo

Hair , Akhil and Amir .. inhale the powder.. three of them are in unconscious.. what they are doing…

The girl cross by them .. 

 Three of them are following her and try to misbehave.. she was started to shout but no one there .. 

Three of them misbehave with her and she lost her life…

Drugs can make everyone wrost .. young people show their interest like this kind of things .. they are thinking these are guts for them … they are foolish by losting their good Life by their hand


Name: Akshaya Sri harini S

  Roll number: RA2311003050031

 College name: srm ist Trichy 

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