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The Chase After Materialism And Fantasy By Teenagers

To say the least, one is saddened by the rate teenagers; both male and female have jettisoned values and developed insatiable appetite for materialism and fantasy. There’s hardly a week go by without the report in the media of one case or the other of an untimely death which may be money-ritual related or illicit drug ingestion, etc.

 Unfortunately, this isn’t a novel phenomenon. I recall in my early years at the university, how I so badly wanted to be able to see myself through school (self-sponsored) and that desire led me into strange paths and people. So strong was that desire that it started impacting my mind without knowing. People would wonder if I was sick. But physically I felt well until a concerned friend asked that I visit with a doctor. The doctor asked a few questions and diagnosed me of “psychosomatic break down.” The strong desire to impress my mates on campus by driving a brand of car eat me up psychologically. But it is worse today. Teenagers and youths go to any length to acquire wealth and chase “the good life” as they call it. Some have sold their souls to satan in the process.

On their part, many young ladies with talents, skills and potential in their inordinate quest for fantasy have also been misled and ended their lives abruptly. They are used as soft targets. 

Need I talk about the harmful effect of illicit drugs on the youthful population? Many have been rendered useless, homeless and candidates for the rehabs. The reasons advanced for this are numerous ranging from parental failure, despondency, inadequate mentorship, etc.

In all, we need to address this devastating scourge.

1. Parents need to prioritize their focus and pay more attention to parenting responsibilities. Teachers in school can’t do it alone.

2. The global economic downturn not withstanding, we must not allow ourselves to be swallowed up by the bleak outlook. Hope for better days. Focus on the brighter side of things. 

3. Mentorship is an indispensable factor of growth and development in growth. We are only one right mentor away from the right path and approach to our career and life success.

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