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Sardar Vallababhai Patel As ‘The Statute Of Unity’

We are witnessing to wards the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallababhai Patel.  He is the architect of modern India after the Independence.  He struggled very hard to unite Indian sovereign of 562 princely states amidst many differences and violences that aroused after independence.  He struggled very hard and was very much determined to unite the country.  So he was called the Iron man of India for his hard work and dedicated mannerism.

Despite there are minor differences in the matter of state formation on linguistic basis, we have united as a country in the whole.  It reflects our motto of Unity in Diversity.  but today, we are witnessing a threat of uniting the nation by curbing our regional tastes and vigour.  The central government is witnessing to make the laws which is applicalble in a uniform manner to all the citizens of the country. 

If it extends beyond its boundaries, it may harm the religious folk forms, languages, art and culture etc.  But due to unity, we have progressed as superpower in the global level and we are in the fifth level of having the richest economy.  We are in co-ordination with each other and we will explore the products from all the regions of the nation and we do not compete among ourselves in marketing the products within the country. 

We have introduced the motto of vocal se local and further it has been enhanced into local se gloal level.  our local products have been competing in the global market.  

In order to pay a tribute we, have installed the statue which is about 182 feet of our beloved Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on the banks of Narmada river and named it Statue of Unity.  It haas become a major toursit attraction during post covid era and earning lot of income to our nation in the form of tourism which depicts the rich legacu about the life events and works done by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.  Let’s make some time and visit the statue of unity and learn much about the rich legacy of our rough and tough Iron Man of India.

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