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Why Do Sons Attempt To Avoid Fathers’ Advice Despite Being Important?

Fathers and sons with widely different interests can find it hard to relate to one another. Sometimes, dads and sons feel competitive against one another. When does the son frown at his father? It was simply because he opposed him going to enjoy a cricket match in the night. The father pointed up to giving more attention to the study for the ensuing Board exams. What the father said was that there was no gain in enjoying the moment at the cost of the preparations. He leaned into advice for giving attention to books without sacrificing the valuable time within your close grasp. Inherently, it was good advice from the father but the son was desperate to go along with his friends. The suggestion did not appear sensible though it was correct for the son who agreed with some uniqueness later. 

Communication issues stand to be blended when both want a better father-son relationship but neither one knows quite how to go about it. Reconciliation between father and son is a must. What is realised more often between the two remains their harsh attitude. A father’s influence on his son’s personal growth is often unseen but real. Those sons who have a positive childhood bond with their fathers are better at restraining emotional distress and controlling affinities later in life than those who do not maintain such a bond. When the father stepped into the lobby of the house, the son asked him to go to view the cricket match. The father waited no time in objecting as he did not require him to waste his fair time given the approaching class X Board exams. Upon this instant disapproval, the son promptly frowned at him caring a fig for the respect.

He was not the only one furious to vent fury with his words but avoided speaking out. They were in the lift but there was no talk between them. His straight denial to go brings an outcry that appears like hatred between them. The boy said: This happens to be the last match. Putting in a solid reply the father said if you wasted time now, your whole year shall be wasted as the time does not return. You can find a chance to go to another match.

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