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Prashant Kishore Appears To Perform As Psychic Mirror On Caste Survey

Highly critical of the caste survey in Bihar, Prashant Kishore spurs status tensions by uttering that this survey in Bihar brings only confusion among the public. Today in Bihar, the condition of Muslims is the worst after Dalits but no one is talking about it. Some class has truly been left behind in the society and its numerals are quite large. He appears to serve as a psychic mirror to all the inflexible concerns.

He looks disturbed to see how the caste survey distracts attention from discussions on whether studies are taking place in Bihar or not, and whether employment is available or not. He categorically said that those who got the caste census done have nothing to do with the betterment of society. Caste census has been played as a last resort so that by dividing the society into the castes, somehow the election boat can once again sail through.

Nitish Kumar has been in power for as many as 18 years but why is he conducting caste census now? Nitish Kumar was not able to remember the survey for 18 years. Secondly, caste enumeration is not a state government subject at all, he emphatically stated. 

Prashant Kishore said that mere counting of castes will not improve the condition of the people. According to the caste census, 13 crore people of Bihar are the poorest and most backward and this information exists with the government. Why not improve it? The census of Dalits has been done since independence. Why are you not improving their poor condition? What did you do for them? Muslims have been enumerated, why is their condition not improving?

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