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In Palestine, Children Turned Into The Rubles Of The Past

Bedouins in a camp in South Hebron Hills. Palestine 2011.

There I saw a kid behind a tree

A tree not typical as we know or see

Branches from far, limbs from near

Screams so loud so painful to hear

River down the hill yet not clear

As I got close, the agony I couldn’t adhere

There sat a kid behind a tree

Not the typical tree or a child that you would see

Blood flowing non stop pouring 

Is it a nightmare or is it really happening 

Scenes from a horror movie 

Too cruel to be a constant reality 

As I stepped further 

To the kid as I get closer

I noticed snowflakes, how could it be in the middle of summer 

As they touched my skin, it started to burn, snowflakes from hell what a bummer 

As I went further I started hearing a sound 

A sound so hedious my ears started to bleed all of a sudden 

Too evil to be true I presumed

Certainly it’s just a nightmare I assumed 

And there was the kid behind the tree

Speechless from the images that I see

I asked the kid how does it feel 

The kid with trauma, a trauma that may never heal

He was smiling covered with blood and ash

As he spoke in a hurry in a rush

As if somebody is going to twist his tounge make him go hush

He said with tears down his cheek

This is what it feels like when cruelty reaches its peak

I’m not the typical kid you know 

Who dreams to be a doctor all grown

Me, no I can’t even dream 

I was born in a world of shadow without a gleam

I live every single day as if it is my last

Cause all of a sudden I could be part of the past

I play, I laugh, I smile as if it my last

Cause all of a sudden I could be part of the past

I play, I laugh, I smile as if it my last

Cause all of a sudden their hell on me they can cast

Too loud,too painful, too fast

Too quickly turned into the rubles of the past

I dream to just exist, where my breathe isn’t a burden

Where I am not a corpse all of a sudden 

Where I don’t feel thousands of shattered pieces in despair 

With those innocent eyes he asked is it possible for all of this to be fair

Don’t I matter he pledge to me as he stare

As he continued to tell me his story

One that’s painful so scary 

I look up at the sky, the sky that was once calm

Yet now it’s melody changed, a merciless slam

I wonder if I wake up, if I could still lift up my palm

They say I am a human animal,that I am a monster

All the evilness, all the filth, I foster

Maybe cause they see my face

Covered in ash dripping in blood, they think I’m a lost case

You can see right,the light that is with in

Maybe you don’t, maybe it’s trapped in the glooms of the rubble never to be seen

They say children are colorful flowers when they bloom

But our petals were always painted red,picked apart from the womb

Speechless stuttering, I asked why are you sitting here

Behind the shades of bodies, overflowing blood and bursting sounds you hear

He smiled again these aren’t bodies or limbs

This isn’t just a tree as it seems

Here I laughed with my sister and brother

Heard stories like mine from my mother and father

This was a peaceful, happy place for us

Our own spot where nobody steals joy from us

Where we felt free, not like subhuman class

In dread of the answer I might get

I asked where are they now ,have they left

They are scattered he replied 

Scattered on the river side

Scattered in the ground a land so wide 

Scattered with no where to be found 

You were asking me why 

Why I am sitting here, behind these tree

I am here waiting to be taken

Taken to a better place a safe heaven 

Where I am not punished for being a kid

Where I am not pictured as a rotting seed

Where I am not covered in ash,where i don’t bleed

I am waiting to be part of these rivers

Where my body never shakes nor shivers

I was so eager to help him

As his sound was fading becoming so dim

His last words he uttered 

You have seen how I suffered 

You have seen how my body is battered

You have seen how my family is scattered 

You have seen how my dreams where shattered 

Yet to come to my aid nobody bothered

This is my story the kid behind the tree

For they have made me body-less

I beg you not to make me voiceless

I beg you not to make my tragedy nameless 

In your prayers REMEMBER ME

How a child grew up in conditions he wasn’t supposed to be

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