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Palestine War With Israel Triggered The Clock For WWIII

“We Are At War” –Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister Of Israel) 

We know that Hamas (Islamist Militant) launched a surprise and disastrous attack against the state of Israel and citizens with more than 4000 missiles. More than 1000s Israelis have been killed and some militant were captured by Hamas. Additional casualties were reported from the Gaza border communities, where ammunitions gathered by the enemy.

Will Israel still Win among Muslim Militants?

“We have been in this since the early morning hours. I have convened the heads of the defense establishment. I’ve given directives, first and foremost, to clear the (affected) urban areas of the terrorists who penetrated them” –President Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel have formost most advanced weaponry system that can destroy Palestine. ‘Iron Dome’ which is used to destroy upcoming projectiles. The Israel Defense Forces said the system boasted a 95.6% success rate during a rocket salvo fired by Islamic Jihad. Iron dome was created to cope with mortars and rockets shot into Israel at relatively close range by militants in Gaza and by anti-Israel fighters in Lebanon belonging to Hezbollah.

We know that Israel war with Palestine is back from the 20th century. The consequences can be long as the Humanity lasts of that country or maybe the destruction of the entire Muslim countries. This has never been a simple battle between Palestine and Israel. Israel is an advanced country in terms of technology and military, it’s existence will be continuous no matter what the western countries does in control in eastern areas.

Hamas had captured many of the Israeli military and pregnant Women too and did Abrutal things and showcasing footages. Indian Congress is supporting Palestine in the War and not Israel and The Aligarh Muslim University students made a rally to support Hamas. And the BJP and RSS who are the roots of India are supporting Israel strongly. 

Will U.N. Support Israel?

“though Israel did not start the War, but will finish it” – Benjamin Netanyahu 

The United Nations and Bharat (formely India) are the strong supporters of Israel. Whereas if we see for the Palestine (Jihadi Nation mostly), all the Muslims country will come along and support strongly including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia and China. We know Iran and Iraq are two of the enemy Nations for each other but Iran is always at the front to support Hamas.

We know it’s been a long time of Russia – Ukraine War and this sudden attack by Hamas is very frightful for the whole world too. But Israel still be front and ‘answer a brick with a stone’. America who is the strongest in terms of military and technology will be with Israel and even the USS Gerald R Ford Strike group has moved to mediterranian sea with warships and also USS Normandy, guided cruiser missilies, naval force, weaponary towards it.

WAR Triggered The Clock For WWIII

“They started it, we will finish it” – Benjamin Netanyahu

The Prime Minister’s Office took the extraordinary step on Thursday of releasing gruesome photos of murdered babies to reporters and the public, seeking to underscore the atrocities carried out by Hamas in its savage rampage through southern Israel on Saturday. Several other countries citizens were killed or injured in this attack.

Iran has shown Israel with their 5,00,000 troops standing with Hamas for support. He indirectly shows Israel that you guys cannot beat my army or cannot win the war. We know that America has sent his biggest warship to Israel through sea and even has a plan to attack Syria too.

As India supports to Israel had made other Arab countries nervous and this consequence will become worst for India too. ‘Truth Alone Triumphs’ No matter what will be the future but India’s decision to support Israel has triggered the War for India too. These Muslims countries in future may attack India.

This led the clock for WWIII and as an Indian I would support Israel, he hasn’t done anything wrong but is fighting for Injustic and terrorism. I stand for my friend country Israel!

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