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New Delhi Police Raid Offices And Homes Of Journalists

Nobody is above the law of land and any abuse or violation should be dealt strongly and stringently however pushing this agenda to single out any dissent muzzling and suppressing is the most unforgivable sin in a democracy.

Raids on prominent Newsclick office and detention of prominent journos like Urmilesh, Basha Singh, Abhisar Sharma, Pranjoy Guha receiving huge tracts of fund from China spreading its propaganda looks totally bizarre and weird a clause for invoking UAPA against the said journalists.

At first, Delhi Police special cell knocked at their doors without any warrant lacking substantial leads and documents for booking and charging them under different provisions of IPC intimidating to not toe the line inviting wrath of the emperor becoming all too supreme and sovereign dwarfing democracy meant for enhancing and boosting his image and connectivity with the electorate.

A trait typical of democracies where power is personified and glorified to a great extent with the leader being an exception as we can notably witness around us with tremendous upsurge in populist nature of regimes all around.

From , Brazil to Hungary such schemes are becoming the templates and norms cracking down on dissent considered a safety valve of any progressive and vibrant democracy. Eventually, India over the last few years saw how Media has catapulted it’s role as a visible mouthpiece of present dispensation shunning from its duty as a watchdog or pillar of fourth estate.

I understand these glaring contrasts is actually making our press spineless and less sincere lacking sincerity and sensibility in speaking truth to power. Situation is more acute for mainstream channels turning corporatist as for investigate journalists wearing the burnt of it. Remedy has to come from the fraternity exacerbating it further serves no purpose at all.

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