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Everybody Is Asking The Biggest Question In The World: ‘Are We Alone?’

“The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space” – Carl Sagan

I think everyone knows about Carl Sagan and the above lines indicates that there might be possibilities of some mysterious and amazing things outer in the space. Universe‘ in other terms ‘Brahmandthe whole cosmos. Well according to him if only the Human Civilisation exists in this expanding Universe then it seems to be woogy stupidity and just a wasteful of space.

Do Life Exist’s on other planet?

Let’s do a simple maths. There are about 100 Billions of Star planets like our solar system in this particular milky way galaxy and if we talk about galaxies, you guys know about James Webb Space Telescope of NASA? It has captured 100 Billions of galaxies images outer in the space and now if we multiply this 100 x 100 Billion we get a number that’s beyond one’s imagination.

Eventhough NASA had also found some of the habitable planets for humans in space. Ex- Kepler 452B, Gliese 163C. Proxima Centauri and so onn! There life is very possible for the humans to survive. In other terms there may be 100% organisms or bacteria could be found.

What if other Civilisation Exists?

If we look at the planets where life seems to be exists then 100% possibilities are there for the existence of organisms and bacterias or may be humans like us. If you remember Nikola Tesla a genius inventor who used to be called as The Man From The Future’. 

He gave a statement on TIME Magazine Article (July 20, 1931) quote “I think that nothing can be more important than interplanetary communication. It will certainly comes someday. and the certitude that there are other human beings in the universe, working, suffering, struggling, like ourselves, will produce a magic effect on mankind and will form the foundation of a universal brotherhood that will last as long as humanity itself.

He clearly indirectly states that he knew that Other civilisation exists somewhere in the universe. He was an incredible genius and we must not ignore him. He may had done some experiments with his device to contact or get signals from the outer space. For futher knowledge you can read his articles “Talking With The Planet”.

We may meet them soo called Aliens in future if Human Civilisation started to understand the proper use of material resources in this planet and get advanced in terms of technology. Proff J Allen Hynek and Stephen Hawking gave several concepts on the existence of other civilisations.

This was the key thing I wanted to let you know that We are not Alone and other civilisations exist!


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