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What Would Have Been The Perspective Of Gandhi On Education?

In school, we talked about what would have been the perspective of our leaders on education, then I remembered that Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti is coming on 2nd October, so I am thinking about what would have been the perspective of Gandhiji on education, and what would have been his view on education.

So I started thinking about this, I should talk to people but I did not come up with anything special, so I started searching, went to many such websites and read them. I little understood what education meant to Gandhiji.

Now talking about Gandhi’s perspective on education, Mahatma Gandhi proposed a ‘basic education’ system . Gandhi wanted to construct small, self relevant communities with its ideal citizens being industrious , self respecting and generous individuals living in a small Cooperative community . He wished that education would develop the mind ,body and Soul in a harmonious way for children and also that they meet the needs of their future .

Such thoughts of Gandhian education are so relevant to development and they provide a solution to today’s current problems, such as unemployment, poverty, corruption and many such things . Gandhi Ji’s unique sense of education may contribute to the development of education. Gandhiji made the first attempt to develop an indigenous scheme of education in British India.

British Colonial rule in India introduced the Imperial education system which included the inclusive Holistic educational system of India. His belief that it will not only harm the empty education system but it will also include Western materialistic lifestyle in India or it will also be increased in India.

If we talk about modern education then it will be: The education which is given in school or an institute known as modern education .We call growth and potential change as Modern Education, which has entered into today’s education system, which is providing education to school children today.

This Education mainly focuses on visualising, imagining or thinking. The modern education introduced in India by Lord Thomas bagbinton Macauly . Modern Education was not much different from traditional education .

Gandhi’s idea regarding modern education was that we can see that in some places we are right and in some places even now the same system is running in which the children are left alone with the marks only that there is nothing else except marks. What does it mean to keep it?

But some ideas of Gandhi on education were criticised. When he said that we should not adopt any western educational lifestyle because our idea is that it will be called in his name, he was criticised a lot because people should not think only from one dimension, that is different. Keep yourself in my dimension and see.

Education is not just the 9 letters of the modern era, it is the complete structure of the future of our economic and moral growth of the country and people too.


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