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Why Does The Indian Youth Shy Away From Politics?

As an Indian, I often find myself caught between hope and despair when it comes to the political landscape of our nation. On one hand, I had hoped that our country’s future would be shaped by individuals dedicated to the welfare of the people. But on the other hand, the prevalent image of politics being dominated by ‘goons’ is disheartening, to say the least.

I won’t bore you with grandiose speeches about making our nation great; there are plenty of those available on the internet. Instead, I want to share a simple thought: as young citizens, we should remain hopeful about the state of affairs in our country. We have the power to contribute positively, not by becoming career politicians, but by performing our civic duties with utmost honesty and responsibility.

One crucial aspect of this contribution is informed electoral voting. Every time we cast our vote, we exercise our right to choose the leaders who will shape our nation’s future. By researching candidates, understanding their ideologies, and voting wisely, we can have a significant impact on the political landscape.

Another way to engage in politics is by aligning ourselves with the ideologies of political parties that resonate with our values. Joining a political party as an active member or volunteer can help us gain a deeper understanding of the system and influence change from within. It’s not about becoming a ‘netaji’ overnight, but about participating actively in the democratic process.

It’s important to remember that there are inspirational examples all around us of individuals who have chosen the path of politics with sincerity and dedication. These are the leaders who work tirelessly for the betterment of society, regardless of the challenges they face. They prove that politics can be a noble pursuit, focused on service rather than self-interest.

Now, just imagine for a moment – what if honest and dedicated politicians began to outnumber the so-called ‘goons’? Picture a nation where the majority of our leaders are genuinely committed to the welfare of the people. It would be a beautiful and prosperous India, a beacon of hope and progress.

In conclusion, we need not be disheartened by the negative aspects of politics. Instead, let’s choose to be the change-makers, the informed voters, and the active citizens who work together to build the India we envision. It’s not about entering politics as a career, but about embracing politics as a way to serve our nation, one small step at a time. By doing so, we can collectively transform the political landscape and create a brighter future for all.

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