Recently Neeraj Chopra, became the first Indian to win a gold medal at the World Athletics Championships. His Javelin traveled the highest distance of 88.17 meters. The 25 year old is on fire to establish records. He belongs to the Khandra village in Haryana. He was in love with the Javelin when he was just 11 years old and his passion is making India proud today by the achievements and records. A win is always remembered or known, but the background is rarely known. In India to be in fame you have to win the game. Neeraj Chopra is one of the sports personalities from whom we can learn as many things as possible.
Neeraj Chopra proves that in order to gain something, you need to give up on other things. In his childhood he was an obese child. People used to tease him and make fun of him. He started running with his uncle and became fit. He gave up on his most desirable food. He was so much into his practice that he lived away from his home for almost 10 years. He visited home once a year. He had to go through financial problems. A javelin is very expensive and he was not able to afford it. He practiced with a low quality javelin initially. In 2019, he missed the world championships due to bone spurs in his right elbow. Injuries are a huge barrier for a sportsperson. But Neeraj did not give up due to injuries and continued working towards his aims.
When we talk about sports in India, the only game that comes to most people’s mind is cricket. There are multiple games that do not get much attention. Javelin Throw was one of them until Neeraj Chopra won gold at Tokyo Olympics. Athletes like Neeraj Chopra are showcasing the hidden games to the country and making the country proud. The audience is able to explore different sports in India. Neeraj has become the face of Javelin Throw. A 25 year old individual has showcased a new sport to the country.
Neeraj Chopra became a popular face after he won gold at the Tokyo Olympics. This event revealed the mindsets of people. We often prioritize winning over hard work. Many athletes in India are working hard to reach a destination. But the person who wins gets the spotlight. We need to learn how to celebrate the hard work over the title. People know Neeraj Chopra for his gold medal, very few know the context of reaching till that gold medal. Even after being so popular, Neeraj has been a down to earth person. He is practicing the way he did before winning titles. He is putting hard work for the future games. He is trying to stay away from injuries. He is looking ahead for other games. That is how a person should look after getting famous. He hasn’t distracted himself. Let’s follow his achievements with some inspiration!