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G20 In Delhi

Delhi declaration adopted in G20 summit by member countries is a reflection of collective future diligently envisioned by India for countries in the global South. India has constantly advocated for the principle of pluralism and diversity clubbing and combining it with best practices of Western democracy reconciling and renegotiating differences of values and opinions in a concrete manner and way.

Underlining the Ukraine- Russia war crisis India carefully and cautiously avoided getting to adjectives, jargons and a terminology that could have not been conducive at all. Instead opining for peaceful resolution of the conflict, as India can I’ll afford to strain its historic ties with Russia given many of it’s defence and energy requirements in the backdrop of an assertive China in the neighbourhood.

Both, Russia and China backed out of the summit quoting unavoidable circumstances sharing a bond that has only cemented with the passage of time. With Biden, India has availed many concessions from fighter jets to technology transfers for a partnership of first amongst equals- strategic and diplomatic. US and India look at each other with adoration believing the latter has what it takes to get a permanent seat in United Nations Security Council. Indian side has been prompt and pragmatic with a checklist detailing who can deliver what and for the costs involved in this transaction.

Indian G20 sherpa and a blue eyed bureaucrat and technocrat who has been in the eyes of establishment Amitabh Kant with his wisdom and wiseness proved to be a tough taskmaster acknowledging the knitty and gritty of foreign policy and diplomacy with member nations consenting to the proposals floated by Mr Kant in total agreement with the clause by clause provisions.

Raising a toast to India, s presidency a badge of huge and great honour accomplishing many fears and milestones from infrastructure to ecology, sustainability to climate change we seem to be wearing many hats in the ring by not taking a firm side or position that could have either irked, antagonized and annoyed the likes of great superpowers- Russia, US, UK most important allies and partners from our perspective.

However, I am a little cynical and sceptical if PM Modi would commit himself to the proposals and recommendations pushed forward by member countries or leverage his domestic ratings and popularity by way of self congratulatory praises successfully hosting and conducting G20 in his capacity and conduct as an exemplary statesman and a fine administrator a tag which he would want to reserve for himself.

After all he has heard if not seen the legacy of the Gandhi-Nehru family laying the foundation stone of a modern nation that became self reliant (atam nirbhar) long way back ago. Modi ji needs to interrogate and introspect before getting into the crass who did what in how much amount- little or small as at the end it is the contribution of these veterans which made a remarkable difference. I understand that PM and his party should get above and look beyond than a myopia filling them with a nectar of a false hype and nostalgia

That would surely do. 

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