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ABVP Wins At The DU Student Union Election 2023

ABVPs resounding and reassuring victory in the Delhi University Student’s Union election has ensured its firm grip on a issue and clientele based politics focusing on basic amenities for students to offering solutions for equitable and affordable education to students coming from the lesser privileged background. In the last three years why no major student body apart from ABVP has been able to taste the fruits of success is for the sheer fact of coming out of their cocoon and shells seasonal in their overall attitude and approach.

Being a student of DU I have witnessed how ABVP has built it’s organisation from the scratch operating at different fronts, layers and levels. From regular college students to competitive exam aspirants it has never let go its focus for an experiment paying rich electoral dividends. Despite having cadre vote , NSUI and AISA major players in DUSU politics are not mending their style, method and manner of taking up key areas having a direct bearing on students from cow belt states like UP, Bihar forced to fend for themselves from accomodation, rents,fees etc both have desisted and resisted from being in the fray.

I am not at all pessimistic or an apologist for either NSUI or AISA in politics there are enough or options and opportunities for an alternative how opposition materialises it makes all the difference. Violence, vandalism and hooliganism is something which has been a part and parcel of campus politics with those with money and muscle wield significant and considerable influence. Sizeable chunk of Gujjars and Jats are an important constituency in predicting the outcome for their sway and hold in different colleges, faculties and departments of Delhi University spread over North and South Campus.

For a bloc like NSUI going to the basics primarily for plugging the loopholes and connecting the dots for staying relevant in the electoral arena

High time pull up your socks if at all for buckling and reversing past trends it’s upto them for buckling and reversing the past trends with a merit in choosing a defined and descripted scheme of strategy. If there top brass would want to devote a little enhancing and enriching their prospects in the near future. Ball is in their court !

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