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We Are The Game Changers In The Battle Against Climate Change

Do we want to make lives of our future generations difficult? Nowadays, raising your voice is not difficult but rather what difficult is that it does not reaches to the targeted people and the level at the same time, awareness about the same is limited.

This week on, ‘What I feel’, your friend Vardan would like to remind my readers that we youth are the game changers. It is strongly believed that the youth should start organising campaigns and initiatives to educate about the destruction of nature and as well to start petitions against the practices which are impacting the nature in order to prevent a dark and grim future.

To begin with, the current state of the world really questions the sustainability of the world. With rapid globalisation and interconnection, the world has advanced but at what cost. We teenagers are known to be young adults and I believe majority of my readers are part of this section of the society, so why should we stay silent.

We do not realise but we are the game changers in the situation, the population of teenagers should be united and must voice our opinion. However, if we still do not come together our environment will have to face the consequences. Dear readers, soon there will be scarcity of the finite resources in the dark future, our cities will face major blackouts due to shortage of energy. The situation can become worse the same can only be prevented, if we act upon it.

The organisation of campaigns and initiatives will help in educating others about how human activities are destructing the nature. In a recent BBC interview of an United Nation secretary general where in he stated, ‘to bring change in the climate, it is important to raise awareness about why is the change needed to come’.

The statement of the United nation secretary general elaborates on the claim as it talks about how to bring a change, the people who are required to bring a change must know why is it important to bring a change.

To sum up, we youth have access to the internet and the public spaces, why do not we use school and our localities as places where in we organise bootcamps and as well many fund raising initiatives to bring change.

We are not expected to give solutions of new source of energy but we can fund raise for an organisation through campaigns and initiatives and as well we can educate the children and the senior citizens on why do we need to use 4R’s strategy, (reuse, reduce, recycle and refuse) and as well the importance of renewable energy for our future.

At the same time, we are aware of the common problems so why cannot we raise petitions against those problems and ask to change such as burning of crops during autumn by the farmers or deforestation of Aravalli hills in Haryana and Rajasthan.

In a recent survey which was conducted of Delhi in 2019, the air quality index was above than 999 during the week of Diwali, and there is no index after 999. the astonishing numbers of the survey shows how living in Delhi during the moth of Diwali is dangerous for the respritory system.

To sum up, burning of crops and deforestation of Aravali hills are few common problems but dear readers there are many more problems around you guys, the problems needs to be highlighted and it will be highlighted if we all sign the petition and then only it will reach to the targeted level and the people, who then will bring change to it. We all must be united through petitions and persuade the ones in higher authorities for our environment, for our future.

Unfortunately, there are some actions which we cannot take such as putting bans on burning of crops as there are many economic and political impactions to the actions.

However, as youth we can take small actions in our communities, schools in order to just educate and spread awareness, creating a petition has no harm but not creating a petition with the fear of failure has harm. To conclude, my dear readers please be united and help your environment, it needs you, See you guys next week, in the next story.

By – Vardan Bajaj 

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