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One By One For The Planet: Individuals To Tackle Climate Change

Around two years ago, I had a chance to delve into the intersection of environment and literature. As I explored further, I became increasingly aware of the reality of climate change. Though I experienced suffocation in Delhi air pollution, foggy mornings, unexpected rain showers, and extreme weather breaking records every year, I was almost indifferent to these issues. My economic privilege had shielded me from the immediate effects of climate change, allowing me to rely on air conditioners during summers and heaters during winters. However, two years ago, I was abruptly awakened from my ignorant yet blissful slumber, realizing that climate change had been a significant phenomenon for at least the past two decades. But the sheer blindness of the public, the deafening silence of our previous and current generations, and the muted conversations about this issue in our social, economic, and political spheres have contributed to our collective ignorance.

There is endless content available both online and offline discussing who is to blame for the deteriorating conditions of our natural environment. There is ample data about the policies and several regulatory legislations that have been passed to minimize the rate of climate pollution. However, little has been implemented on the ground. What perplexes me the most is that while no one is doing enough to come forward and deal with climate change, a blatant blame game is at play, ensuring that no collective or individual takes the onus of taking action to tackle climate change. Politicians often point fingers at industrialists, who, in turn, shift the blame onto consumers, who ultimately hold the politicians and government responsible. Our celebrated celebrities choose not to speak about this except for photo-driven plantation and cleanliness drives. Though this doesn’t stand true for all, the current scene is mainly crippled with this ignorance.

Thus, I turned inward to understand how can I contribute to environmental protection. While collectively participating in marches against industrial pollution, engaging in afforestation activities, and reading about Indian environmental movements and policies, I realized that the most I can contribute is by taking the reins in my hand. Why not begin with myself and individuals who can take small yet crucial steps to address the issue of skillful waste management—an essential component in combating climate change? During this shift, I concluded that the problem lies not primarily in a lack of awareness but in the mindset of individuals.

People are increasingly aware that plastic is detrimental to the environment, yet they fail to develop the habit of carrying their own grocery bags. They lack the behavioral skills necessary to segregate wet and dry waste or seek out recycling options. The current practices provide an easy way out due to years of ingrained behavioral patterns, and people are reluctant to deviate from their established routines. Despite being aware of the consequences of their actions, individuals often absolve themselves of personal responsibility, claiming, ‘What difference will it make if I alone care for the environment? How will it help if I conserve water, avoid single-use plastic, or use public transport? Everyone else will continue with their current habits, so why should I be the only one to change?’

Although the answer may be simple, conveying it to others can be incredibly challenging and complicated. It is difficult to grasp the fact that we are all contributing to the problem while shying away from actively participating in the solution. In India alone, around 20 million tons of single-use plastic were consumed in one year (2019-2020), with only a mere 30% of it being recycled. Despite stringent bans on its usage, it is hard to find anyone who hasn’t used it even for a week during any given year. By examining global consumption and recycling habits, it becomes evident that the consequences of these actions run deep.

However, I also acknowledge that every coin has two sides. Our country is plagued by extreme poverty, hunger, and a vast section of society that is solely focused on survival. For those who struggle daily to make ends meet, the environment remains a low priority. Therefore, the change I envision is primarily targeted at those who possess the means and resources to effect change. Addressing industrial and chemical pollution is a collective concern, but effective management of vehicular and household waste must start with us, essentially from today. There is no dearth of reading material available for anyone seeking to become more environmentally conscious and learn about the minor changes that can lead to significant differences. Thus, I will not elaborate on those details here.

What must be understood is that even before deciding on which changes to undertake, it is crucial to comprehend why these changes are necessary and foster the right attitude towards them. Therefore, to all those who believe their contributions are insignificant, they should recognize that every effort matters. The enthusiasm lies in aligning our lifestyles with eco-friendly practices and encouraging those around us to do the same. It is often said that when people unite for a cause, they have the power to change the course of history. This is a call to awaken and realize the power and potential that resides within each and every one of us to make our world a better place to live. Let us leave behind a healthier environment as our legacy for future generations and show the respect that nature deserves.

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