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‘I Embraced A Modest Salary For My Passion To Work For People’

I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share a journey that has woven architecture, transformation, and public policy into the fabric of my life. Join me as I take you through the unexpected turns that led me to the majestic hills of Himachal Pradesh, India.

My initial encounter with the hills was purely accidental. Back in 2012, I came to McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh as part of a college trip. Little did I know that this introduction to the hills would leave a lasting imprint on my heart. The following year, my college batch explored Solan further deepening my fascination with the harmonious blend of architecture and nature in this region.

But it wasn’t until 2014 that my connection with the hills deepened. My dissertation took me to Manali, where I envisioned a wellness retreat that blended seamlessly with its surroundings. Little did I know that this was only the prologue to a more profound narrative waiting to unfold.

My perspective shifted when I realised that working amidst the hills wasn’t just an academic pursuit, but a potential career path. Gradually, my focus evolved from private projects to a passion for aiding the underprivileged through low-cost architecture. I embraced a modest salary and associated with the Central Government to work on prestigious projects in 2015.

A defining accomplishment during this phase was my involvement in the policy drafting of a reputed mission in India. The process of drafting that policy wasn’t just about words on paper; it was about envisioning a brighter future for the people and places that had captured my heart. Yet, as I laboured over the policy’s intricacies, a nagging uncertainty crept in – would this well-intentioned vision truly come to life on the ground?

It was during this period of contemplation that I made a pivotal decision – one that would redefine my journey entirely. Seeking guidance from mentors and turning inward, I chose to immerse myself in the hills of Himachal Pradesh and started working with the Government at the local level. The mission was clear: to bridge the gap between policy design and its real-world impact, particularly in a region often overlooked in policy implementations.

From a city-dwelling architect with a penchant for order and structure, I found myself embracing the unpredictability of hill life. It wasn’t merely about relocating; it was about immersing myself in a lifestyle that inherently intertwined with the surroundings. I was drawn not only to the picturesque landscapes but also to the promise of making a tangible difference in the lives of the hill dwellers.

One crucial thread of my journey involves my passion towards public policy. Beyond the confines of an office, I now find myself on the ground, working to implement and fine-tune the very policy I assisted in shaping. It’s a journey that marries theory with reality, desk works with boots-on-the-ground effort. This experience has given me a unique perspective, highlighting the chasm that sometimes exists between policy conception and execution.

As I sit here, surrounded by the lush greenery and awe-inspiring vistas of Himachal, I’m struck by the significance of this journey. What began as a student’s exploration of architecture has blossomed into a holistic quest for life transformation, and I’m excited to share my journey with you.

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