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Coping With Suicidal Thoughts

Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide

There comes a time in our life when we want to live no more or I shall say we start loving death instead of life. I am sure , everyone in their lives have gone through this time not just once but many times. There are so many reasons why we feel this way, some reasons are defined while some are undefined. The undefined reasons are the worst one. So the question arises should we actually think of ending our lives or should we even ask God to end our lives? Ending one’s life  or praying for death is forbidden from religious perspective because it clearly means that you don’t trust the plan of God . You have no idea about the wonderful destiny he has planned for you the next moment. “Indeed god is the best planner”. But at the same time we cannot ignore the pain .  what is the solution of the pain,  great depression, and continuous crying that you suffer during these tough times. Let me give you the best solution , it is patience (sabr). There is no great power than the power of patience. If you are patient you will deal easily with this time. Patience isn’t easy but necessary and beautiful. One more thing which is equally important is being grateful. When you are in depression, you are feeling to die just look at someone who is in the tougher situation than yours. You will certainly find infinite people like that . It will develop inside you a sense of greatfullness and at the same time it will provide you a reason to live . If they can , you can. Pray to your lord as much as you can . He will make out a solution for us which we could never imagined.  Also, always remember that this time is temporary and keep telling to yourself that “this too shall pass” . And I promise you one day you will wake-up there will be no pain anymore, you will be happy again, you will be thanking Almighty, and you will want to live more !!!! 

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