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The ‘Hindus In Danger’ Narrative And Rise In Islamophobia, Here’s The Truth

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about religious demographics in India, particularly among some sections of Hindu extremists who propagate the narrative that Hindus are in “khatra” or under threat from the Muslim population. This narrative, often fueled by misinformation and divisive politics, has led to the spread of Islamophobia. However, a closer examination of census data reveals a different story, one that challenges these unfounded fears.

According to the 2011 Census of India, there has been a decadal change of -0.7% in the Hindu population and +0.8% in the Muslim population. These figures are important, but they don’t tell the whole story. While the percentage of Hindus has decreased, their population has grown in absolute numbers. The idea that Hindus are being reduced to a minority, as some extremist groups claim, is misleading. Regional variations in population growth are expected and the decline in the percentage of Hindus doesn’t equate to their endangerment.

This narrative sets up a dangerous precedent that Muslims endanger Hindus, but in reality, Muslims often face discrimination themselves. In light of hate crimes against the Muslim population, as the case of a young Muslim boy in UP slapped by his classmates on their teacher’s orders, it is crucial that we actively debunk such myths. Fear-mongering not only harms social harmony but also distracts us from the real challenges facing the nation, such as poverty, healthcare, education, and employment.

To counter such narratives, we should understand population dynamics with a nuanced analysis of census data rather than relying on selective statistics that feed into hostility. The real issue here is not a “Muslim takeover,” as some extremists suggest, but rather the need for inclusive policies and social integrity. The myth of “Hindus in danger” is just that – a myth.

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