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Here’s Why Academic Journals Should Be Bilingual

Academic journals should be bilingual covering a wide spectrum of themes, issues and concerns focusing on possible interventions and solutions to it. Contributing pieces for the sake of publication and increasing academic points index (API) is one thing but for an nuanced, substantive and logical one would demand extensive reading, dedicated research,  analysis and assessment of facts etc.

Some of the recipes which definitely can make one,s experience rewarding and praise worthy for a little labour if they can soak in and cope up passing the test of publication in reputed journal like Scopus, UGC Care and Economic and Political Weekly.

I strongly recommend these journals should be made bilingual rather than carrying vestiges of colonial past. English no doubt is a global language spoken almost in each and every corner of the country but it’s Hindi that makes the cut conveniently transporting the ideas and thoughts to those who may have there limitations in either speaking or communicating in English.

How can we be so value judgemental, closed and conservative to what we deem is spelled fairly that would look so sheepish for us. Being from Social Science background I understand it is primary to acknowledge and appreciated other,s point of opinion and observation instead of advocating and jumping to any conclusion that would not make the case.

It helps if it is bilingual motivating a significant chunk of audience to become active participants speaking out there mind expanding the outreach of say EPW, Scopus and UGC Care which by all conventions is rank elitist keeping all those at bay closing their doors to those for whom English is still a luxury.

Such a form of discrimination should be outrightly countered and condemned as a language has its own autonomy and identity why are we refusing to not appreciate and acknowledge this difference? What else it’s going to take if we were to actually ask around?

Anybody listening????

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