Nothing could have prepared the Congress party to admonish the government for the abnormal prices of vegetables. It is not just the rains that brought intolerable situations to every household but correspondingly the rise in the transportation cost. People fail to find a swift manageable escape from this premature trouble. It stays scary and it goes to be overwhelmingly contemptible by the common man today.
At a press conference, the Congress party spokesperson Supriya Shrinate suggested that people can give vegetables as a gift during the wedding season. Was she ably hinting at this very advice because of the hefty rise in the prices of vegetables? The costly things are usually considered quite suitable for offering as a gift. Now, the vegetables seem to have acquired that very standing.
Though we very well know how people in the villages used to present vegetables as a gift during marriages. A similar habit may erupt in the visible backdrop of a spurt in vegetable prices. There is no quiet emotion that indifferently administers with reactions pouring in thoughtful, considered flares, delivered in the crisp hurling accent of the city dwellers who purchase vegetables in the nearby market.
Showing a well-arranged gift basket with various types of vegetables like tomato, ginger, garlic and green chillies in a certain quantity costing Rs 1070, she furthermore said that the government knows everything. This is not happening only because of the rains, the government is not able to handle the tricky situation if the transport cost has increased.
If seasonal rains do not hold analogous accountability in price hikes, it is easier to blame another reason for the boost in prices. No accountability rests on the government. If rains bring respite from the sultry hot weather all the comfort seems to be obliterating due to revised rates of green vegetables in the retail market.