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Is ‘Artificial Intelligence’ The Future Or A Villain? Read This To Find Out.

A Brief History of AI as a Part of Evolving World

According to the International Business of Machines ( IBM ), Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind,” But not to forget it’s always the human brain that is the first and the cause behind AI.

According to Adrienne Mayor ( historian ), the history of AI’s flame is said to be dating back to 2, 700 years ago when the myth revolves around the Greek god Hephaestus who invented blacksmithing including prototypes of early Artificial Intelligence. However, in reality, AI primarily began with the contribution of Alan Turing who created the Turing test to observe a computer’s capability of thinking. This test contributed to shattering the Enigma of the Nazian code during World War II, whose legitimacy is subject to several debates.

During the 1950s, AI gets a proper acknowledgment through a workshop in Dartmouth College, United States where John McCarthy ( aka father of AI ) coined the term “Artificial Intelligence”. In 1958, Didn’t you wonder how AI is portrayed in popular culture? 

Portraying AI as a Villain or Future

Several comics based on AI’s power prediction, animations, and popularly watched documentaries all over the globe have projected the controversial aspects of AI with time which has impacted the minds and thoughts of people to look at AI,

1. The first ever movies we look up to when we hear AI are The Matrix and Interstellar where computers, cyborgs, and robots directed by humans are used fluently which changes the civilization’s view.

2. Do You Trust This Computer? (2018) is a film exploring the effects of AI in industries with high stakes… describing AI as a force that we cannot control or cannot halt and becoming a matter of life and death to humans.

3. The video description of the 2019 film The Great Hack, which depicts the story of Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, begins, “First they took your data. They then assumed control. Adam Brownwell who is a senior machine learning engineer reported that after watching this documentary, most people he spoke with for the first time in his life understood what a data scientist was and not in a good manner.)

4. A documentary examining racial inequality in facial recognition systems called Coded Bias was released in 2020. There are more movies based on robotics like Jung_E (2023), Wall_E(2008), and A.I.(2001) which depict the predictions and impacts superintelligence might cause.

5. With the subtitle “The Dark Side of Social Media,” The Social Dilemma (2020) explores how a select group of engineers utilize AI to monitor everything you do online and to dictate “the way we think, act, and live our lives.”

6. Nearly all of the 21 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s decade-long run featured AI significantly, from Iron Man’s Jarvis to Spiderman’s cyborg suit, most notably as the villain – Vision, in Age of Ultron (2015) depicted the use of Artificial Superintelligence. Along with it, there are Star Wars(1983), Transformers (2017), and more such movies depicting robots /AI-based technologies copying humans and taking over.

7. An Indian film named “Robot” was released in 2010, where an AI-based robot was portrayed as a hero and lifesaver but was also misused and eventually was turned into a villain which became necessary for the developers/scientists to destroy it. Such movies very clearly predict how superintelligence might take place in the future but they also depict the cost humans might pay.

8. There are famous blogs like robohubs, universal robots, frontiers, new Atlas, Servo magazine, and science-based shows like Battlebots which highlight the impact and use of AI in the form of robots or cyborgs bringing it as a part of concern or knowledge to the culture.

I know you’re still going to search for movie recommendations after this. Let’s see how that’s a win-win. 

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Media 

The rise of social media and smartphones has made it easier for people to coordinate and collaborate on daily jobs, trends, or activism. The below image has well depicted how digitalization is fuelling human activism on a social level that brings an impact. Famous Hashtags like #blacklivesmatter, #arabsprings #metoo, #EndSARS, #hivprevention, and more followed the same, where the algorithms helped to rely on the message in the community, to share and accordingly become a major use to the community.

 Just note that Artificial Intelligence has been a superfast assistant in recognizing people’s preferences by using algorithms, detecting their interests through search histories and likes on social media, boosting their motivations, and also helping people of similar interests to communicate. In a report from the United Nations, the young people who not only make media but also develop the tools and platforms via which it is made and organized are, nonetheless, those who are most positioned to change how democracy is practiced around the world. One such incorporation of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) is into facial recognition systems renowned as a proficient advancement in terms of Artificial Intelligence, not digital security. 

However, a theoretical framework evolved in 2021 has a look at (MIT Economics) may be used to assess Artificial Intelligence-enabled behavioral manipulation. The studies by and large address customers’ “foremost vulnerability moments” detected through the platform’s Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Users acquire commercials for merchandise they purchase on impulse now. Ads are displayed even though the product is terribly exceptional and is free to the viewer. 

An application for customers lets in Artificial Intelligence structures to siphon extra of the surplus experiments that have additionally shown the opportunity of manipulating human conduct using Artificial Intelligence. Apart from the economic development limits, the threat to human security from fragile economies and economic inequalities is particularly pronounced where instability and conflict have previously occurred. 

It is important to remember that Artificial Intelligence is a tool, it is the people who use it who are responsible for its actions and also to develop and use Artificial Intelligence in a responsible manner ensuring that it is not used for nefarious purposes. 

Artificial Intelligence in Individualised Suggestions in the Growing Economy

While talking about digital media and binge-worthy shows, we know there are more like ads, shopping, stock markets, IPR, etc. However, we count on AI every time we feel indecisive. That’s how Artificial Intelligence plays a critical role in increasing e-commerce revenue share in the retail industry which is used by individuals themselves to enter the national or global market. 

Artificial Intelligence is influencing users’ choices using big data, thanks to its knowledge of prior purchases, searched products, and online surfing habits. It can give recommendations in a variety of ways especially digitally. Customers who see behavioral recommendations shown for products that other customers have viewed or purchased feel more assured to buy such good-projected products.

 Customer-specific recommendations are another feature that Artificial Intelligence projects, depending on the customer’s browsing behavior. Artificial Intelligence technology provides a competitive advantage to applications, and enterprises and is able to develop businesses of any size or budget. So, the next time you ask Alexa to find you a Sofa or Table …you know what she is doing!

For instance: The North Face, a large eCommerce retailer, is an excellent example of a corporation raising the bar by leveraging Artificial Intelligence to better understand their customers by using IBM’s Artificial Intelligence known as Watson which enables online customers to discover their perfect jacket. 

Even websites like eBay manually collect user feedback on products in order to propose products to customers who have demonstrated similar behaviors. One more prominent example of such adoption is Starbucks, which recently debuted ‘My Starbucks Barista,’ which uses Artificial Intelligence to allow customers to place orders via voice command or SMS. Account information, consumer preferences, purchase history, third-party data, and contextual information are all used by the Artificial Intelligence algorithm. This enables Starbucks to design and send more customized messages and recommendations to its customers. Gerri Martin-Flickinger, who is a Starbucks CTO in the USA expresses “ It is uniquely generated based on every individual customer’s behavior and anticipated behaviors.”

So, AI might not be a villain until you make it one!

Photos by author.
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