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Opinion: Will Every Other Right Subsume Under ‘Freedom Of Religion’?

Muslim woman

Muslim woman

Does it ever feel that every other right whether it is freedom to equality, freedom from exploitation, right to freedom, constitutional remedies and sub rights under them are now seen and scrutinized from the point of right to freedom of religion? Now it’s all about freedom to religion. 

Wherever there is democracy, every right becomes subjected to freedom of religion. Whether it is western socities Or South where democracy prevails like India, freedom of speech becomes hot bed of discussion, if somebody criticize religious doctrines. Similarly, freedom to equality especially women’s rights is under threat because freedom to religions over runs every rational sentiments. 

Uniform civil code is very important from the point of women’s rights where it intends to ban polygamy across all religions. But again, from opposition parties to main parties they are all confused and afraid of hurting religious sentiments. Are religious sentiments so important that discussing the negative effects of polygamy in public will lead to violence? 

Freedom of religion is so zealously guarded by religious leaders that it detracts attention from the real issues and people end up focussing on issues which will never bring results as evident from the history. Looking at the case of Muslim women, whenever their rights are discussed, it revolves around hijab or burkha Or any face covering garment. You don’t see discussion around muslim women need any other rights. From Iran to Afghanistan or Arabic world or African countries or even India, its all about hijab. Does Muslim women does not have any need of rights other freedom of religion? 

Freedom of religion is heavily dependent of freedom of choice as per the definition under constitutional rights around the world where there is democracy. But biggest irony is there is no proper definition of choice. It is mostly understood intuitively. The chronic irony is from experience we know that  a person makes or exercise a real and free choice when the right environment is given to that person,but there is no proper description of the environment that should be enabled in any Constitution. 

Men and women equally face the challenge of exercising the freedom of choice, but it never becomes the mainstream debate, especially how parents groom their children from early age to follow religious practices without questioning. Lately, criticizing religious dogmas has resulted in death sentences aka murder. Lot of religious leaders in their pursuance of freedom of religion are very vocal in the stating the fact that following a religion has no scope for choices, it has to be followed without questioning or application of science. 

Politics and freedom of press is now determined by religion. All over the world politics is used to apply religion. From Pakistan to Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and many more, the politics seeks nothing more than unlimited application of religion. It does not even matter even it undermines the right to life and property. 

Newspapers, magazines and articles at times seems to justify certain restrictions like on clothes, certain behaviours if their patrons are from religious institutions. This was very evident in case of world Cup football in Qatar. The rules imposed by Qatar was justified from time to time under the right to religion. Reasoning applied is absurd but then false equivalences are drawn and human rights that matters simply are forgotten. 

Science and action is now being sacrificed at the altar of religion. What do you do with a society which refuses to take action to save lives during flood, cyclones or economic devastation under the guise that it’s God punishment for the sins. Children are not given vaccinations because it interferes with religious beliefs or some fear is spread in the name of religion. Ultimately change as per the need of the hour is resisted to preserve religion and loss of lives is downplayed where they can be saved easily. 

Right to religion does not end here. It even helps you to escape responsibilities. Pakistan and Taliban are the basket cases. Both here explicitly proclaims men have more responsibilities and women are weak. But when in Pakistan women dies of hunger, thirst or lack of basic aminities no man is brought to account for failing responsibilities. But women are blamed incessantly and man egoes get hurt if women asks for their right to live with dignity. Men can earn but then women should pay back for men’s right to earn. Women should be a slave to a man and should never say no to a man even she is incapacitated or on death bed. 

When freedom of religion was declared as a fundamental right, it was bunch of men after world wars I and II and women were still relegated behind the scenes, so women did not play a role in writing these rights. As a consequence, woman was born from the ribs of man got never negated in christianity, manusmriti is invoked from time to time and never negated for some of its cruel and harsh outlook towards women and in Islam it cannot be challenged that a wife has no right to say No for sex with husband as man’s ego is more important than body sanctity. 

Religion has left no space and can go on to be as cruel as possible. Women are weak and men are strong, yet there is no war in this world where women are not killed in war on their account of being weak. Taliban has also killed women, but it does not matter because women are weak and religion can be used to justify anything done against women. 

Sane Ladies and Gentlemen brace yourself now. Time is coming where you will be asked to be a woman and a man according to religion and you will be forced to resort to violence. Whatever genetics say about  X chromosome and Y chromosome and importance of X chromosome for a man, it will never be important and men will eventually be forced to prove their manhood by giving up sanity and reason and women will enter into the endless cycle of violence. Can science still be impactful and important will be the hour of the question. Ultimately freedom of religion is poisoning and eating all the rights that makes life and society peaceful and are far important than freedom of religion, but you know. 

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