If we listen the word marriage, it automatically makes us think that the girl has to leave her parents and spend the rest of her life with husband and his family.
But it is strange that in one of our North Eastern States, Meghalaya, in the Khasi Tribe, the man has to leave his parents and stay with his in-laws in future after marriage. The state is female-dominated as the female enjoys more rights than man. The women of Meghalaya are respected more and their rank is higher in the society in comparison to man.
In most of the Indian weddings, dowry play an important role but in Meghalaya, there is no exitance of Dowry system and it is the only state where daughters are given preferences over son to inherit the ancestral property.
In Indian society, where women are still fighting for their rights, Meghalaya is the state in which women are already enjoying their rights since ages and being respected in society.