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A Heartfelt Birthday Letter To My Dearest Gemini Twin

Dear twin,

Happy birthday! For my readers, you’ll soon know, why you can read this letter apart from the person it’s addressed to. 

First of all I want to thank god for finally getting me someone, in 20+ years of my life, who gets me the way you do. Somewhere in life I made peace with being a misfit. Someone who didn’t like to abide by the conventional norms of people. Being constantly misunderstood, made me close up as I started keeping things and thoughts to myself. I never opened up and felt understood the way I did with you so this is gonna be birthday wish se zyada… Thank you letter as if I’ve received a filmfare. I am grateful for you. 

It’s always hard to talk about things and not be judged. With you every single time, it happened, I was never judged. I could be my clumsy self and still be supported. I would crack a non-funny joke and you would still laugh. There was so much pretense around me that I lost track if anyone was real at all. I could trust you and not be scared so it matters a lot. Thank you for being you.

As you know I suffered from a lot of self-doubt and second guesses, you made sure that I didn’t feel the need of validation. I don’t know how good of a friend I am to you, but I want to be someone you can talk to, at least, when you want. If I am unable to sort it out, I’ll at least be a shoulder to lean on.

You’re an inspiration, a true one, someone I feel proud and motivated to know. It’s such a beautiful energy you wear everyday and it makes you one of the most beautiful women I know. So if I say you’re beautiful, it’s not because of the way you look, okay that too, but also the way you carry yourself so gracefully. Your aura is kind and attractive. I bet your little munchkins, your students, will agree with this. Such a giving soul you are. Thank you. 

The various stories you tell, the various experiences you share, makes me wonder, how can someone like this still exist. An energy that is still, till date, so intact and positive. It’s such a beautiful mystery. Considering and feeling you are my best friend was the easiest. And it comes from someone for whom making friends was the hardest. Because I believed Trust is never free. So trust me when I say, it was easy… So easy.

I always came across people with rigid thought processes. They had a preconceived notion of friendship and I was always made to live up to those expectations. As a result, I ended up messing up hence ending a possibility of a bond that could be called friendship. With time, I taught myself to stick to people as long as they stayed. No expectations. Not trying to read between the lines and thus not overestimating anything, hence preventing myself from getting disappointed. With you, this thought changed, hence I changed. Day by day, I trusted us more.

I’m not gonna dive into any details, because that’s not for the world to know, but I do want the world to know, that people like you still exist, who wear their beautiful heart on their sleeves. If the Universe aligns you to such beautiful souls, value them. Don’t hesitate to tell them, out loud, how beautiful they are. Everyday. Make them feel wanted. Tell them how needed they are to cut the toxicity that lingers in the society. Your words can strength their desire to be who they are. 

Lastly, Happy birthday dear.

Love and Appreciation,


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