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Will Higher Education Financing Authority Turn Out To Be A Reality?

Higher Education Financing Authority will turn out to be a reality for public funded universities becoming autonomous generating funds by their own rather than being dependent on UGC and Ministry of Education. Colleges will either to go for fee hike or compromise with their standards facing stiff resistance from students coming from marginalized sections dependent on merit cum scholarships or fee waiver to get to where they would like to see themselves. None of the central universities are quite on board with this proposal as for the sarkari farmaan breaking the backbone of higher education in the country. National Education Policy could well transform the very mature and characteristic of Indian education system but would it not backfire if students drop out in between with diploma degree after two years fail to find suitable placements. Loosing interest in a four year graduation program will it serve any rational if they are unemployed and unskilled not fit for private sector. Who will take the moral responsibility Mr Education Minister have your ever thought about this ? Instead of value addition we are making this experiment totally futile lacking an agenda and insights leaving many of our bright minds in the lurch. Well off kids can go and settle abroad but what about those who are relatively not well off? How will NEP bridge this huge gap ailing our education model and the road ahead ? Better would be for Education Ministry to seek consultation with academicians, experts and scholars before formally progressing ahead with the proposals otherwise NEP will only ne limited to a paper tiger in reality nothing concrete would come out on the ground defeating the very mandate of roping in NEP at the first place. Bureaucracy should stop unnecessarily meddling and interferring in every aspect and domain of governance which is a task cut to size these officers moreover ate generalists not specialists a point we need to note in our heads

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