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“You Have No Control Over Other People’s Behavior!”

The people around you can either be your supporters or your critics. The first thing is if you do something for someone, do it to help and not to get something in return for it.

Expecting something in return has now come up as a human tendency in the 20th century. But this is one of the key reasons for disappointment.

Now here are a few things you should always keep in mind when someone else’s behaviour is concerned. Trying to change someone is a total waste of time because they are not in your control neither they ever would be. Accept this reality.

If you don’t like someone, or you have a disagreement with one’s behaviour towards yourself or anything, create a thought in your mind immediately “I am not affected by this behaviour, I am calm, “. Thoughts play a very important role in your mindset and mood buildup. Whatever you think will somehow affect your brain and real life too. Yes, you read that right!

The thoughts which are continuously running in our mind and that too at a deeper level get accepted by our subconscious mind and then similar things begin to happen.

So, when you do something for someone, create a thought “I do not expect them to return my favour, I am the only one to do something for myself”

When you create this thought you will know that you don’t want to change others according to you and that means you are not expecting anything from them in any possible aspect. The key point in this step is our THOUGHTS. Thoughts are very powerful to shape life and your aura. Whatever you think will create a similar environment around you and it also has facts given by science.

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