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“Whatever You Do If It’s Done Twice Or More, It Becomes Normal”

Whatever you do if it is done twice or more it becomes absolutely normal. No matter how good or how bad it is. 

I would like to tell a story of mine in favor of my point. I have won many trophies during my school days. When I brought the trophy for the first time, everyone in the family was very happy. But when this happened the next time, everyone was happy, but the feeling that had happened the first time, was less in the second time.

But at least for the second time they were happy, after that no matter how much prize I brought, leave the thread of happiness in someone, it has become like what is there to be happy in it. It keeps happening, nothing new. 

Now let’s deal with the second aspect.

Suppose if once you are ditched by your closed one and you are deeply hurt by their actions. For once you can imagine that may be the situation would have turned out like this. But If again it is done you will understand that it is not a matter of circumstances they did it intentionally. It’s in their personality which is never going to be changed. So here instead of changing their personality you choose to change your behaviour towards them. Like this they won’t impact you anymore.

So, no such feeling is permanent, it varies on same events. That’s why great people has always said that never be immensely happy in your best and extremely sad in your worst. 

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