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‘Educated’: An Incredibly Powerful Tale Of The Revolution That Education Is

At the age of 17, Tara Westover stepped into a classroom for the very first time, as her father had strictly forbidden hospitals and formal education. Without any formal schooling, Tara took it upon herself to acquire knowledge, eventually gaining admission to university.

Photo by the author.

Through her studies in history, she encountered pivotal global events like the Holocaust and the civil rights movement for the first time.

“Educated” chronicles her journey of self-discovery and reinvention, exploring the profound bonds of family loyalty and the profound loss that accompanies breaking those bonds. It is a coming-of-age narrative that delves into the essence of education itself, offering a fresh perspective and the courage to reshape one’s life.

Back when I finished reading ‘Educated’, I knew that I had just finished what will be one of the most powerful and honest books I’ll ever read.

It is an extremely daring account of the abuse, manipulation and control of religion. What an incredibly moving and powerful tale to tell, the tale of a revolution: the revolution that education is. What a force of nature faith is; how sometimes giving someone the gift of belief is the greatest act of trust and courage you can display; and what a beautiful and humbling thing it is to be an educator. I’ve grown up witnessing the storm that education can brew; and it’s my life’s goal to enable as many spaces of education as possible, especially to young people. All this ties in when I say that it’s one of my most favourite books ever.

I will be picking up this book again, this year, because I want to read it once every year. I’d encourage you do the same.

This book has been published by Penguin. Follow them on YKA here.

If you like what I wrote, follow me on YKA and on my bookstagram where I talk a lot more about books, reading and all things words.

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