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Domestic Deliverables

PM Modi,s first state visit to the USA has brought to an end the thaw existing in the relationship between both the countries. Modi could very well drive home this point to his domestic audience as one of the finest deliverables building his case politically and electorally from technology transfers to production of defence aircrafts he seems to banging right organizing and ordering his foreign policy and diplomacy capitalizing his base and constituency comprising mostly of millenials and professionals mesmerized by the growth stories, predictions and forecast with economy being the core segment touching upon the nerve and pulse of gen X. Secondly, strength of Indian diaspora in US is another factor which giving a natural mileage to Modi consisting of those backing big conglomerates, corporates and businesses close to the privatization agenda of the ruling dispensation. Thirdly, post Ukraine war the growing proximity between Russia an all weather ally of India with China is something with which New Delhi any how wants to get above. It is in this light Modi,s historical hesitations rhetoric is doing rounds on social, print and electronic media official engagement of Modi and Biden sounds more as a win-win game for both the leaders in the run-up to parliamentary and presidential elections in their respective countries next year. With a clear defined pursuits and priorities, they would surely abide and endorse public opinions and sentiments for a tenure adding feather to their gap with their economies gradually pointing towards a pickup. Americans always work with a strategy in mind that is complex to easily gauge and capture having India by its side is a larger part of it’s narrative mutually advantageous and benefitting testing the waters of it’s competitors. 

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